AFM® – Active Filter Media. Paket med hemleverans
Paket | Total Volym Filtermedia | Rekommenderad Sandfilterstorlek |
2st grade 1 | 42 kg | 300 |
2st grade 1 + 1st grade 2 | 63 kg | 400 |
2st grade 1 + 2st grade 2 | 84 kg | 500 |
3st grade 1 + 3st grade 2 | 126 kg | 600 |
AMFM (Active Filter Media) är ett substitut till traditionell kvartzsand som man använder i sandfilter till Swimmingpooler. AFM fördubblar filtereffektiven i alla sandfilter, utan att behöva investera i ny hårdvara. Dessutom så behöver inte AFM någonsin bytas igen, under hela sandfiltrets livstid.
Hur fungerar egentligen sand och AFM?
Sand och AFM har på mikroskopisk nivå en väldigt skrovlig yta med mycket ojämnheter. I dessa ojämnheter fastnar oönskat smuts och partiklar som vi önskar få bort ur bassängvattnet. När vi sedan backspolar så ökar hastigheten så pass i sanden / AFM så att smutsen slits loss och följer med vattnet ut i avloppet.
Skillnaden mellan vanlig filtersand och AFM är stor, AFM har t.ex mer än 300x större area än sand, vilket medför att både fler och mindre partiklar fastnar i filtermediet. Filtersand kan normalt avlägsna partikar ner till 20 microns storlek, och AFM kan filtrera ner till 5 micron. Dessutom så slits smutsen loss enklare från AFM vid backspolning, vilket medför ca 30% lägre åtgång av vatten.
AFM nästan "magiska" egenskaper
Förutom den förhöjda filtreringspotentialen hos AFM så har produkten flera andra fördelar:
- Behöver aldrig bytas ut (vanlig filtersand byts vart femte år).
- Snabbare backspoling, sparar 30% vatten varje gång.
- AFM förhindrar tillväxt av biofilm i filtret, och därmed så växer mindre bakterier däri.
- AFM-kornen är negativt laddade, så att de attraherar positivt laddade partiklar i vattnet = bättre rening.
- AFM binder till dig negativa biprodukter från klor, som förhindrar dålig lukt om bassängvattnet.
- AFM fungerar i alla typer av pooler, med alla typer av desinfektionsmedel.
- 21kg AFM motsvarar 25kg vanlig filtersand.
- För privatpooler så rekommenderas det att ha en säck grade 2 i botten på filtret, och sedan resten grade 1.
Information nedan inklippt från Dryden Aquas hemsida:
What is AFM®?
AFM® (Activated Filter Media) is an activated and therefore bio-resistant filter media made from green and brown glass.
AFM® filters at least twice as good as sand
AFM® is bio-resistant: Prevents bacterial growth.
AFM® is a sustainable product made of recycled glass.
Your benefits at a glance
Crystal clear water
Lower chlorine consuption
Less toxic disinfection by-products; less "chlorine smell" in the air
Reduces the risk of infections by bacteria and parasites like Legionella, Pseudomonas and Cryptosporidium to an absolute minimum
Same performance for many years
AFM® - The best filtration requires the best filter media!
AFM® Activated Filter Media is a direct replacement for sand, doubling the performance of sand filters without the need of additional investments in infrastructure. AFM® resists biofouling, biocoagulation and transient wormhole channeling of unfiltered water and never needs to be recharged or replaced.
AFM® is a highly engineered product manufactured from a specific glass type, processed to obtain the optimum particle size and shape. It is then exposed to a 3-step activation process to increase its surface area by up to 300 times for superior mechanical and electro-static filtration performance.
The activated surface of AFM® is self-sterilizing which prevents bacteria mud-balling, coagulation and channeling of unfiltered water through the filter bed. Activation increases the surface area by up to 300 times for catalysis and adsorption reactions. Similar to activated carbon, the surface nano-structure adsorbs pollutants from the water but unlike carbon, AFM®is recharged by just back-washing with water.
AFM® is not glass sand!
Difference to other glass media on the market:
Activation - During the production process the raw AFM® goes through a three-step mechanical and chemical Activation Process. The Activation is the reason for it's bio-resistance and it's amazing filter efficiancy.
Raw Material - We use only green and brown glass. The metal oxides that are in the glass and gives the colour are the reason for the negative charge. This charge is increased during the activation.
Production - Dryden Aqua is a manufacturer of filter media made of glass - other competitors are glass recycling companies that sell their "waste". Our production is propably the most sophisticated glass processing factory in the world. We optimised every part to produce the best material available, with the best shape and size for our applications. We ensure that our product has no sharp edges that can injure you or damage the filter.
Efficiency - Due to the mentioned points we are able to produce a material that filters more than 4 times smaller particels than sand or any competitive product. This is proven by the independent laboratory IFTS in France:
For a high performance, healthy, ecological and economical pool water treatment
Proven in more than 200'000 pools around the world!